Friday, June 12, 2009

Sell Paintings Online With a Unique Concept

With the power of the internet it is possible to sell paintings online but there are some methods and concepts that are a little more easy and lucrative than others.
Of course finding a technique that suits your artistic flare is the key here. Any method of selling your work online will only work if:
1. You enjoy it 2. Its simple to do 3. The income reflects the effort you put in.
Many of us know the usual methods to making money online as an artist. Most of this is down to the use of personal websites that act as an online gallery. Also we are well aware of the methods of selling paintings directly on platforms like eBay.
But what is the unique concept that will allow you to paint, sell and create an income from the internet?
Well let me run through a story of a college student who pioneered this method.
A long long time ago in a land far far... NO OK here it is.
There's a college student who isn't actually an art major, he just likes to paint. Mostly just simple work too. No elaborate life stills or portraits. He discovers a site that sells images to web designers, website owners and just about anyone that pays a dollar to download the work in digital format.
He figures that he can paint unique logos, images and pictures that would suit some of the buyers. So he contacts the company, they say that "once he is registered he can submit digital images of his paintings" and earn from it.
Like the other artists and designers on there he will get a commission every time one of his paintings is downloaded by a buyer.
But how do you create digital paintings? Simple. Our college student in question took a picture of each of his paintings with a digital camera. Uploaded them to his computer and then submitted them to the website.
The website acts as an online middleman. They do the marketing, they find the buyers, they pay you commissions on time. The good sites charge a tiny fee to register but it is often below $30 and its a one off. Don't pay anything that's too pricey, there's no need.
Our student then painted, snapped, submitted and actually began to create an automated income. Some of his paintings were downloaded multiple times a day so you can imagine how the income can become regular and in cases very interesting.By Richard Rowley

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