Friday, June 12, 2009

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Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Portrait of Dr. Gatchet by Vincent Van Gogh , The Cliffs at Etretat by Claude Monet, The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck. These are a few of the legendary masterpieces of oil paintings from the 16th to the 19th centuries that modern society still enjoys.
Lest you think that you cannot make oil paintings of your own, then you have another think coming. You can make your dreams of being an oil painter a reality by starting to know the basics - the ABC - of the art form.
Art Supplies
Before you start oil painting, you will need to gather your art supplies and accessories about you. This way, you can paint unimpeded by forgotten objects, faraway supplies and fiendish painting problems, all of which can anger your inner muse.
• A sketchbook to draw your preliminary themes and images.
• Oil paints in var ious colors. These are made of powdered pigments coming from manmade and organic pigments, which are then mixed with a binder to dilute them into the desired painting consistency. If possible, opt for the higher artistic grades as these are longer lasting albeit more expensive.
• Oil paint brushes of all shapes and sizes - rounds, brights, fan, filberts, micro, scripliners and flats.
• Canvas for the final products, which can either be linen or cotton.
• Painting mediums that are used to dilute oil paints, which can include linseed and poppy oil as well as turp.
• Palette and palette knife to mix your oil paints.
• Easel to prop up your canvas.
• Other accessories like rags, brush washes, apron, rubber gloves and mall stick.
Cynthia Goranson has been interested in the art world for many years. She has joined forces with Randy Patton an Anime Artist to bring you some unique new Anime inspired Art as well as a fascinating look into what really goes on in the art world.By Cynthia A. Goranson

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